Capoeria Maloca
March 20, 2022 / 15:00-17:00
About The Workshop
Capoeira is a Brazilian unique blend of art and martial art. It integrates the skills of combat with the elegance of dance. As a martial art that combines African and Brazilian cultures, Capoeira was created in the fifteenth century by West African slaves sent to South America; nearly half of the original Capoeira movements were brought to Brazil. The slaves developed Capoeira in order to preserve the specific culture and religion that had travelled with them across the ocean and as an imperceptible form of resistance against their oppressors. Thus, it is part of the brutal history of African subjugation and oppression.
Capoeira is more than just a sport – it is a subtle body language of resistance. On 20 March 2022, we invited artists from Capoeira Maloca to present a Capoeira training and Brazilian traditional music performance, engaging the audience to experience the power and beauty of the dance as well as the endless creativity carried by the body. About The Artists
About The Curators