An Asian Narrative: From the Southwest Frontier to the Urban Village of Guangzhou
An Asian Narrative: From the Southwest Frontier to the Urban Village of Guangzhou

Curator & Artists
Guests:  Cheng Xinhao, artist /  Wu Peiyue, writer
20220120 - 20220120








  Cheng Xinhao, artist Wu Peiyue, writer


  January 20, 2022 / 19:00-20:30

About The Event

  On 20 January 2022, X Museum invited artist Cheng Xinhao and writer Wu Peiyue to share their personal experiences and research practices in the context of the exhibition The Endless Garment and to further discuss topics regarding the concept of ‘Asianness’ through online participation and interaction. Focusing on the ethnography of the southwestern border in China, Chen’s works often connect the social reality with his personal experience and memory and examine the interaction between microscopic perspectives and macroscopic views in the complex natural environment of the southwestern region. Wu Peiyue has long been concerned with the development of agriculture and manufacturing in the social context of China. She visited garment workshops in the urban villages of Guangzhou to investigate the grey areas of labour issues of an international fast-fashion giant. Starting with the geographical concept of Southern China, the guest speakers discussed controversial issues related to the region’s history, land and labour through the research and project conducted on specific groups and regions, to deepen our knowledge and understanding of ‘East Asia’ and ‘Asianness’. 

About The Artists

About The Curators
