On 5 May 2022, X Museum hosted a conversation with two practitioners in the arts and culture field during the lockdowns. Designer Tan Alynn and artist Zheng Yiran shared with the audience their thoughts on mutual support, connection and care, based on their respective works and practices.
Tan Alynn, designer Zheng Yiran, artistTime
May 5, 2022 / 19:30-20:45About The Event
As the epidemic intensified, the talk redirected its attention to the current plight of epidemic prevention and control for the entire population to harness the power of mutual support and empathy. The existence of the human body and its vulnerability were reflected in the conversation. During the pandemic, the guest speakers attempted to create a broader but closer connection between individuals in this fragile physical world of interpersonal relationships – they tried to explore the valuable connections between humans through writing and organised volunteer and self-care in communities. We hoped that through this sharing, the audience could step out of isolation and engage in online interactions. From those voices during the epidemic, we may be able to gain insights into the essence of living in times of crisis.About The Artists
About The Curators