Bi Xin, curator Ye Funa, artist Wang Chuyi, performer Zheng Lili, performerTime
October 7, 2020 / 15:00-18:00ABOUT THE EVENT
What is the observed value of the circulation of commodities in a consumerist culture? Does it mirror the general aesthetics? Which of its values has been exploited in the communication and distribution process? How does life change after exploitation? With these questions in mind, curator Bi Xin, artist Ye Funa, and performers Wang Chuyi and Zheng Lili explored consumerism and pop culture as well as both virtual reality and the real world through a performance project about cosmetic aesthetics. Focusing on people’s personal aesthetic habits, “Cosmetic Angel” aimed to explore how medical aesthetics could alter people’s lives and impact society. The performers “splashed” beauty products onto themselves, transforming their obsession with beauty products into an almost religious ritual. In addition, two performers live–streamed the facelifting process, changing their appearance through the camera manipulations. Afterward they joined a post–performance talk, sharing their insight and knowledge of consumer culture with the audience.About The Artists
About The Curators